Announcement of Life

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Road Trip

All is said and done here at the hospital. It is quite rare for me to leave this establishment actually feeling better than when I arrived. Yet today I have a new leg with a steel rod and bionic elements according to Ginger. Dave has already cleaned the house and stocked the kitchen at home.

My spiritual leader of misadventure has a plan to climb Mt. Whitney next August. Why not? It’s just a plan. I’ll sure benefit from a lofty goal. The dream, the training, the positive plan and a group of people all wondering “what the hell were we thinking.” Of course Shelby will not be pleased as she believes these adventures are just as dangerous as surviving cancer. Life is a risk - take it.

I also have a new imaginary friend from a past life. The era is of 2400 BC and we were two little girls born to the local stone masons. This story developed out of a desire to explain a relationship. Sometimes the truth is just too bland. So now I’m mentally prepared to engulf my mind in merry ole Britain. Actually, beyond the ‘past life’ part my grandmother, Nelly Bibby, was from that neck of Wiltshire.

Putting both feet back into reality I am about to pack and toss. The packing will look a great deal like tossing and the tossing will not look at all like packing. I have two award notices to write. Joanna and Alacia will get a written commendation, the Daisy Award is the prize if either of these nurses are recognized for their talents. I’ve just been here way too long so - GET ME OUT!  I have even had so much ‘lazy brain time that I decorated my water pitcher. Again I whisper - get me out of here, please.

The next entries of the story might take a completely different path. On my own with recovery, exercise, cooking and managing the home will have a completely different tone. Adding daily outpatient adventures for radiation along with the market and the visits from the home healthcare nurse might strain my magical thinking. Keep that ‘fairy dust’ flying.

Right now ‘it’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood.’


  1. May your path just keep winding! Straight paths are too rote. Wonder is found in the bends and curves. Today's fairy is busily erasing all of the "destination" entries in Mapquest - "start here" and then, see where you go, she says. Will be checking back to see what wonders you stumbled upon along the path. Love you!! Patti

  2. I am glad you are back home.. Hang in there.. sending fairy dust!!! xoxox
